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Now is your chance to break the ice and rip off the proverbial band-aid and share your vision with us!


Innovative Design Solutions

Our strategy fuses cutting-edge digital content with DLT, NFTs, Blockchain Tech, and using targeted guerrilla tactics—both online and on the ground to leave a lasting impression on your audience.


Building Stronger Communities

We connect with audiences both online and offline. Through digital outreach, networking, and local engagement, we foster vibrant communities that strengthen your brand presence and build lasting trust with your target market.

Digital Marketing Expertise

All marketing is digital. From video production to eye-catching graphics, we create captivating digital content that grabs attention and amplifies your brand.


Partnerships & Growth

Collaborate with us! We seek partners and interns to expand our network, share ideas, and grow together through innovative marketing campaigns and events.

Meet Dave Suppnick
Founder of Guerrilla Marketing Group (GMG), Dave Suppnick is passionate about pushing the boundaries of marketing by merging creativity with technology. With a wealth of experience collaborating with agents, businesses, customers, tech experts, artists, and developers, Dave’s journey has led him to create GMG, where the focus is on delivering innovative, yet affordable, marketing solutions for everyday clients. Surrounded by a talented and forward-thinking team, Dave is driven by a shared excitement for new technologies like blockchain, NFTs, and decentralized ledger technology.

GMG is built to help brands thrive by using bold, guerrilla tactics, engaging content, and fostering community connections that leave a lasting impact.

David Suppnick


GMG is built to help brands thrive by using bold, guerrilla tactics, engaging content, and fostering community connections that leave a lasting impact.

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